(ACTS 2414, when combined with BIOL 2243)


Summer II 2005, B7, Science Center

MTWH 12:40-3:40


Instructor:  Dr. John Hunt.  E-mail:  Phone:  870-460-1466.  Office:  B11, Science Center.  Office hours:  9:00-10:00, M-F or by appointment. 


            Texts (required):  Allen and Harper, Laboratory Manual for Anatomy and Physiology.  Smith and Schenk.  A Dissection Guide and Atlas to the Mink.


             Objective:  To convey a knowledge of basic human anatomy and physiology through hands-on experience in the laboratory.  Students will learn anatomy and physiology with a special emphasis on structure and function of internal systems, including exercises which demonstrate physiological principles.


             Grading:  Grading is on the standard 10-point scale.  Points will be computed as a percentage of all available points.  In the unlikely event that a small curve is applied to the grade, it will be done at the end of the course.  There is no “extra” credit.  Points will consist of the following:

             Three 100-point exams                 300

Quizzes and lab performance        50-100


             Attendance:  Attendance at all labs and exams is mandatory.  Attendance will be recorded regularly, and points are given for attending and completing each lab.  Unexcused absences will result in loss of five points from the final average for each absence.  After 2 unexcused absences, you may be dropped from the class. 


             Missed exams:  Missed exams may be made up only by students with an approved university excuse, by arrangement with the instructor.  Approved university excuses do not include “hung over,” “overslept,” or “got caught up in a Real World marathon and lost track of time.”  Please be aware that any made-up exam may NOT be the same exam given during the normal class period.  Students are responsible for all material presented in class, even with an approved university excuse for missing a class.  It is the responsibility of the student to obtain missed material from classmates.  


             Class policies:  Human anatomy and physiology is a demanding class, with a large number of terms and concepts to be mastered.  Taking the course in a short summer term is even more difficult.  Expect to spend every free minute studying.  This will cut into your beer-drinking time—please accept my apologies in advance.  The instructor is here to help you; please feel free to ask questions at any time.  You are encouraged to seek my help outside of regular class hours if you are so inclined.

            Please do not hold conversations with classmates during lecture.  DO NOT BRING CELL PHONES TO CLASS!  If your cell phone rings during my lecture, I will respond in the only manner available to me—by adjusting your grade.


             Students with disabilities:  It is the policy of the University of Arkansas-Monticello to accommodate students with disabilities in accordance with federal law.  It is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor of any necessary accommodations at the beginning of the course.  Any student requiring accommodations should contact the Office of Special Student Services located in Harris Hall, Room 120, phone 870-460-1026; TDD 870-460-1626; fax 870-460-1926.


              Academic dishonesty:  Cheating will not be tolerated.  The Academic Code of the University of Arkansas-Monticello may be found on page 65 of the 2003-2005 catalog.  Please note that the instructor has wide latitude in taking corrective action in response to cheating; expect the harshest possible response in this class.


             Dissecting supplies:  Each student group is required to have scissors, scalpel, probe, and forceps.  The bookstore stocks dissecting kits, which will be needed for heart anatomy and dissection of the mink.  Plastic gloves are highly recommended. 


             Course outline:

Course content                                               Lab assignments                    Page

Muscle tissues and fibers                                   Lab manual, exercise 10           185-198

Muscle physiology                                            Lab manual, exercise 11           199-210

Myogram                                                         Handout                                  

Somatic reflexes                                               Lab manual, exercise 17B         331-340

Autonomic nervous system                                Lab manual, exercise 18           341-352

General senses                                                  Lab manual, exercise 19A         353-367

Special senses                                                  Lab manual, exercise 19B         367-400

Exam 1

Blood                                                               Lab manual, exercise 24           497-516

RBC & WBC cell counts                                  Handout

Blood vessel structure and function                    Lab manual, exercise 22           451-456

Structure of the heart                                        Lab manual, exercise 21A         417-438

Function of the heart                                         Lab manual, exercise 21B         439-450

Respiratory system structure and function          Lab manual, exercise 26           535-566

Chemical digestion                                            Lab manual, exercise 27B         597-604

Exam 2

Mink digestive system                                       Mink manual, exercise 4           44-45

Mink circulatory system                                    Mink manual, exercise 5           56-78

Mink respiratory system                                    Mink manual, exercise 6           79-82

Mink reproductive and excretory systems          Mink manual, exercise 7           83-96

Mink nervous system                                        Mink manual, exercise 8           102-106

Mink endocrine system                                     Mink manual, exercise 9           107-112

Exam 3